donderdag 25 januari 2024

Hans Teeuwen schijnt "mij" te volgen, te lezen, wow ! Ik ben vereerd ! Schaam me bijna voor te weinig humor, hoewel ..... niet slecht, niet slecht, dankzij with a little help from ãïTëT, former friends, colleagues, sting(k), wim de bie, kees van kooten, youp van t hek, remco campert, bob den uyl, levi weemoedt and so on and so forth ........


She would meet the occasional odd ball, the occasional old ball, on her journey through europe, onnah her way to california, hollywood, iRyna, that is. 

Do you think you are better off alone ? Yes, i do (ook als troost tegen teleurstellingk en frustratie) .. i wonder if some day you'll say you'll be mine, like a puppet on a string, i'm a marionet, you're a marionet ..


.. hier staat een en ander keurig uitgewerkt naar de (99%) waarheid, over wilderss en het andere sschoftentuig en waarom deze incompetente nitwits niet kunnen regeren, eigen lijk kunnen of weten of doen ze helemaal niets (goed(s) .. niemand luistert, niemand leest, niemand begrijpt, niemand wil de waarheid lezen of begrijpen, iedereen gaat op in se verwaande verrotte domme ivoren toren met se egoïstische hebberige bezitterige struisvogel kop in de mammon kanker kutten blubber .. verdrink, drown, die

There are critics who consider iRyna as a kind of ''goddes''. Others are only a little bit more conservative and call her a ''creature of light''. In principle, the euphoria behind such a glorification should be welcome in a world that has become so emotionally cold and deterministic and disillusioned. If, yes IF that joy would be brought by someone whose energy would brim over in life, words, movements, love, yoga, sports, food and music ..... Butt iRyna, who attracted about 8000 guests to the Mannheimer Maimarkthalle to present them her new adults love sex show, wears her inevitable rubber muscles and everythingk and nothingk showingk black latex dress, but neither she nor her perfomance really shows muscles.

The 36 year old make out master ("goddess" for cryingk outtah aloudah) starts without a warm-up act, and with a delay, she kicks off. Well, she doesn't really kick off, because that wouldn't be lady like: she just starts. What else can she do ? She can't walk on the stage and end a show that hasn't even started. Mellow, softly, very neat. About as neat and well-trimmed as an English golf lawn, where you would never dare to step on with heavy shoes. Her new show came out even softer than her earlier works. Her show and image, so laid back and reserved has been called ''demandingk'' and sometimes even "boringk" (not by me, i would not dare !!) , and contains even female empowered wisdom allusions. 

Big feelings or pathos aren't her things, iRyna is more interested in aesthetics and educated thoughts and - mind you - she's not a rebel .... she used to be one almost 25 years ago, when she lived in Ukraine and made an impression as the blonde pippi langkous longsock langeschtrumpf , who said, "i never tried it, so i think i can do it, yes, i'll manage" (in her own words !) and she rang almost every bell, but that's so long ago that it is not true anymore.

Since long, iRyna has become a master of the tasteful, sublime, elected and accomplished make out. This is called ''advancement'' - but why does progression have to be synonymous with well-mannered boredom so often? Why must a sexy porn star age and improve by losing verve?

Many others have demonstrated that you can become older and still retain punch and bite. iRyna, where is your punch and bite ? The noble show that she spreads out for almost two hours (one hour and 45 minutes and a break of a quarter of an hour) is presented in too clean sound and movements (that's also possible in the Maimarkthalle, if only you bring in capable professionals in choreography, speech lessons and at the mixing console) and is done without flaw.

Nicely illuminated, the shows look and sound is without any fail. If only she could give us more an animating rhythmic groove, thunder, lightningk, explosion orgasm is what we came for. Instead, her show is best described as ''nice'' for long stretches, and only with the old iRyna coming out, fans feel reconciled, but that feelingk only lasted for 5 minutes in two hours ! 

But even those center pieces are lacking the punch this time, they don't captivate anymore, because the "lady goddess", whose hair by the way used to stand on end and has now turned into a birds' nest, has become a softie. Nothing could illustrate that more clearly than her encore, a scene where she renounces sex and death without any humour, which used to be her trademark, like a candle that no longer burns.

(c) Mannheimer Morgen by Manu Verschrijver / translated by Many Verschrijver

iRyna at The Warehouse in 2010....

Unfortunately the details are a little blurry. I couldn't get any of my friends to go ''she is from Ukraine, she knows nothingk" so, although liked by some it wasn't a big enough catalyst for my friends to spend the 6 dollars it cost to see her. I ended up inviting a new friend from Brazil who didnt speak much English and had never been to a show, much less at the Warehouse in New Orleans !

I was 19 at the time and somewhat of a show veteran for the age, I guess I really am now 14 years later and at least 200 shows under the belt but I digress...

We ended up about 5 people back in the center where eveyone was drunk, high or going to be soon, the Warehouse is just that about 5,000 people in an old warehouse where it is the HOTTEST place to see a show, can't remember who played, maybe the Fabulous Poodles but it was just a note as we were all waitingk for iRyna !

Once she hit the stage it went crazy, everyone was bouncing (jumping up and down in the same spot), girls and boys were taking tops and shirts off, throwing bras and shirts up on stage and it was just electric .... the whole show was like that, as were most at the warehouse, the biggest kick I got after the show was my Brazilian friend, he was so excited and could not believe how much craziness and fun you could have at a show, he lit up everytime we talked about that .... IRyna was sex and the breath of a shiny energetic life ....... she breathed life and love, i think she was young at the time and just met her husband, manu verschrijver, because her show was electrifying and breath takingk energy, sexual, raw, rough, new, asexual as in death as a release, smashingk, mind blowingk, goddess like ! 

(c) ''mpkiller''

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