woensdag 31 januari 2024

gog, die film van of geregisseerd door paul verhoeven maar geschreven door philip k. dick, dat ze water laten smelten op Mars in een briljante film, hoe wist Philip K. Dick dat, dat er nog steeds zoveel water op Mars was ? Of iets dergelijks ........ mogelijk een wiet gebruiker, maar daarmee moet je oppassen, misschien gewoon een spiritueel (lsd) mens, wel een kind van de zestiger zeventiger vrijere hippie jaren .: TOTAL RECALL


Water ice buried at Mars' equator is over 2 miles thick

A black-and-white map of mars with blue sections denoting where water ice has been detected.

A black-and-white map of mars with blue sections denoting where water ice has been detected.

A European Space Agency (ESA) probe has found enough water to cover Mars in an ocean between 4.9 and 8.9 feet (1.5 and 2.7 meters) deep, buried in the form of dusty ice beneath the planet's equator.

The finding was made by ESA's Mars Express mission, a veteran spacecraft that has been engaged in science operations around Mars for 20 years now. While it's not the first time that evidence for ice has been found near the Red Planet's equator, this new discovery is by far the largest amount of water ice detected there so far and appears to match previous discoveries of frozen water on Mars.

"Excitingly, the radar signals match what we expect to see from layered ice and are similar to the signals we see from Mars' polar caps, which we know to be very ice rich," said lead researcher Thomas Watters of the Smithsonian Institution in the United States in an ESA statement.

The deposits are thick, extended 3.7km (2.3) miles underground, and topped by a crust of hardened ash and dry dust hundreds of meters thick. The ice is not a pure block but is heavily contaminated by dust. While its presence near the equator is a location more easily accessible to future crewed missions, being buried so deep means that accessing the water-ice would be difficult.

Related: Mars Express orbiter suggests evidence of ancient microbial life, water and volcanism on Red Planet

Some 15 years ago, Mars Express detected deposits beneath a geological formation called the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF), but scientists were not sure what those deposits consisted of. Mars' geography is split between northern highlands and southern lowlands, and the huge 5,000-km-long MMF is situated near the boundary between the two.

It is suspected that the MMF itself formed within the past 3 billion years from lava flows and was covered in volcanic ash during an era long ago when Mars was volcanically active. Today, the MMF is covered in heaps of dust towering several kilometers high — it's actually the most plentiful source of dust on the entire planet, fuel for the giant dust storms that can engulf Mars on a seasonal basis. Were the deposits just dust, perhaps filling a deep valley?

large sand dunes in a black-and-white photograph

large sand dunes in a black-and-white photograph
New observations by MARSIS, which is a subsurface radar on board Mars Express, now have the answer — and it's not dust.

"Given how deep it is, if the MFF was simply a giant pile of dust, we'd expect it to become compacted under its own weight," said Andrea Cicchetti of the National Institute for Astrophysics in Italy in a press statement. "This would create something far denser than what we actually see with MARSIS."

Instead, the deposits are low in density and fairly transparent to MARSIS' radar, which is exactly how one would expect water ice to appear in the data.

a graph showing the depth of water ice detected near mars' equatorMore pertinent is the question of how the water ice ended up buried at the equator. Sub-surface ice has been found in plentiful quantities on Mars before; NASA's Phoenix mission dug up ice just beneath the dusty surface at the lander's polar landing site in 2008. Meanwhile, early in its mission, Mars Express detected abundant water-ice extending down into the mid-latitudes, and NASA's Mars Odyssey even found clues to the presence of water in the MMF in 2009.
a graph showing the depth of water ice detected near mars' equator

More recently, ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter detected hydrogen from water ice just beneath the surface of Candor Chaos, which is a segment of the immense rip in the surface of Mars that we call Vallis Marineris. Additionally, the remains of ancient glaciers, called relict glaciers, have been spotted in Eastern Noctis Labyrinthus, which is just 7.3 degrees south of the equator.

The presence of subsurface water-ice at low and equatorial latitudes hints at how Mars' climate was very different in the distant past.

"This latest analysis challenges our understanding of the MFF and raises as many questions as answers," said Colin Wilson, who is an ESA Project Scientist for Mars Express and the Trace Gas Orbiter, in the statement. "How long did these ice deposits form, and what was Mars like at the time?"


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The ice's existence could be the result of Mars' wandering axis. Across the Red Planet's history, the axial tilt of the planet's poles is understood to have varied quite chaotically. Currently Mars' poles are tilted to the ecliptic by 25 degrees (compared to Earth, which has a tilt of 23 degrees) but in the past this could have ranged from as shallow an angle as 10 degrees, to as extreme an angle as 60 degrees.

During the periods of high obliquity, when the poles are pointing closer to the sun than the equator, water-ice could form in large quantities on the surface at the equator. That ice could then be buried by ash and dust falls, to remain covered to this day.

The changing obliquity could also explain 400,000-year-old features discovered on Mars by the Chinese Zhurong rover, as well as the existence of gullies formed by liquid water where no such water should have existed.

The new discovery is described in a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters.


Mystery Object in Deep Space Is Confounding Astronomers

An artist's impression of the companion object as a black hole. The bright star in background is its pulsar companion.

An artist’s impression of the companion object as a black hole. The bright star in background is its pulsar companion.

A team of scientists found a compact object 40,000 light-years from Earth that is either a very massive neutron star or an itsy-bitsy black hole, but they’re not sure which.

The so-called mass gap object has a mass between 2.09 and 2.71 times that of our Sun. For a neutron star—the collapsed, superdense core of a star—that would be huge, perhaps even the largest yet known. But for a black hole—an even more compact object, so dense that not even light can escape it—it would be among the smallest of its kind; black holes can be millions if not billions of times the mass of our Sun. The team’s research exploring the neither-here-nor-there object is published today in Science.

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The globular cluster Caldwell 73, home of the mystery object.The team observed the binary with the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa. They calculated the total binary mass—3.887 solar masses, give or take .004, as well as the mass of the companion object, the higher estimate of which is 2.71 solar masses. (In 2019, a different team described a hefty neutron star with a mass 2.14 times that of the Sun; the newly described object blows that one out of the cosmic water.)
The globular cluster Caldwell 73, home of the mystery object.

“In addition to the unusual companion mass of pulsar PSR J0514−4002E, the binary system’s total mass of 3.887 solar masses is remarkable,” Fishback added. “It is heavier than any known binary neutron star system.”

The research team believes the unique object—again, either one of the heaviest neutron stars or possibly the lightest-known black hole—formed in a merger between two neutron stars, regardless of its true nature.

Though the team could not ultimately determine this unusual object’s identity, follow-up observations of similar compact objects in the same mass range may offer some clarity about the conditions in which neutron stars and black holes form and grow.

More: Breakthrough Gravitational Wave Findings Suggest Supermassive Black Holes Are Constantly Warping Spacetime

Mei ken eT dus niet schele, maar Johan Cruijff is groots en Sjaak Swart is se profeet, en ferders mag Allah en moet iedereen eT selluf maar wete …. Keik, eT is simpel, je ken niet ooferal tegeleik sein, ken ik je wel fertelle, ja, de dood, eT universump ken dat, wij niet …….


Ja, als je je leger kloffie aan hebt of je protserige ijdele verwaande uniform van prins benard of zo’n bef zwart wit toga waar die stinkend smerige schijtwijve zich zo graag in hullen, dan laat de politie je bijna altijd met rust, een soortgenoot, een opdracht (gever) die wij liefdeloos en geestloos, befehl ist befehl, regel is regel, wet is wet, never ask questions, you gotta obey queen pig, uit voeren, daar worden we voor betaald, daar werken we voor …. en NIET aan een vrijere, eerlijke, gelijkwaardige, sociaal solidaire, mensdiervriendelijke planeet aarde …….. 

59 ? Echt 59 ? Ik dacht dat je 72 was ….. het is niet te geloven hoe hol landse “mensen”, onmensen, zich nu minstens 40 jaar laten leiden door verwaande verwende doodse verrotte verstarde domme varkensstront van de vvd, cda, greet stinkend smerig schijtvarkentje wilders, bidet diarree in je toilet baudet, nu domme, dommere, domste caroline bbb van der plas in dr sas en ijdel zwijntje cda niets doende maar knorrende en kakelende pieter om t zigt, komt doordat ze zelf hebberige bezitterige mammon varkens en vooral kippensstront zijn

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