What helped Iryna Ukraine achieve this intensity in the past was the absence of tricks, gimmicks or fancy choreography ! In three years she has grown self-indulgent in a small but noticeable way ! She is very consistent as a supreme humorous goddess witch and walked and danced about the stage like a prom queen at a sock shop, putting a fun, frivolous edge and portraying a true goddess with an ironical and iconical 'Our Lips Are Sealed' stature ! Her energy is pure, clean and varied the way she likes it, she does and did everything her way and proves right every time in doingk so : she sends home every one happy, fulfilled, satisfied and with a smile or laugh and amazed look on their face ! ----> how on earth's name is such a goddess possibebel, this is alien 👽👻😍😍 and she did and does it with such good humour ! She is like an octopus beauty goddess on speed ! She has this very rare capacity of ingenuous enthusiasm ! And what's more, every little thing she does is magic, butt, she still seems to improve every day, every hour 😱😱 as the front woman supreme witch goddess !
Lei aveva gia un stile geniale e adesso lei e una genia in tutto quello che fa ! Il bene è il nuovo perfetto è il nuovo perfetto è il bene è lei sa giocare le due ! E carica e ricca di afrori orientali con molto mistero e sensualità ! Lei e versatile ed è apparso sorridente e rilassato ! Un successo caloroso ! Lei fiume ed è ormai stabilizzato nel ruolo di maitre a' penser ! Iryna Ukraina ha spiegato la sua filosofia : ''Il mondo e' pieno di problemi. Il primo passo per risolverli e' l'ottimismo, e il contributo che posso dare come dea e'di favorire uno stato d'animo positivo'' ! Grazie per la sua simpatica accoglienza ! Con lei non ce n'è piu odio delle donne, odio dei uomini, odio di tutti ! Iryna è la stella più adatta per inaugurare e rappresentare questo siecolo all'orizzonte ! Parla con intelligenza e domina la globalità multimediale del 21 secolo ! Una donna bionica capace di sfruttare al meglio la sua notevole talento vocale e teatrale con naturale facilità e controllo Zen e incanta tutti senza strafare, contando sulla sua appeal personale e sulla sua qualità sempre elevata ! That's all folks ! Bugs bunny music !
Her style was that of a genius and now she is a genius in everythingk she does ! Good enough is the new perfect and the new perfect is good enough .. she brings both ! She is loaded, versatile and rich in oriental and sensual mysterious goddess like movements and talks and chants, which she bringks smilingk and relaxed ! One warm steamy hot success ken ik je wel fertelle .. i can tell ya that, folks ! Iryna Ukraine even took the time to explain her philosophy : "ziezie world ies full (fool) of zie problems, zie first step to solve all of thies problems ies optiemiesm and vat i can do as a true goddess ies to fazilitate a posietieve mind set thus creatingk a true and intelligebebel positiev state of zie mind !" Well thank you for your friendly welcome, we all thought ! With her there is no longer women or men hate, hate no longer exists !
She is truly on fire and is now stable in her role as master of thought, mind, heart, soul, liver, lungs, kidney, milt, hands, feet, vagina, vulva and the whole of her wonderful delicious sexy strong body ! She talks with intelligence, ofcourse, and dominates naturally and rightfully the multimedia globality of the 21st century ! A bionic woman able to make the best of her considerable vocal and theatrical talent with natural facility and Zen control and she enchants everyone without overdoing it, relying on her personal appeal and on her ever high quality ! She even turned to the rear balconies and said : "i hope you like my arse", without exclamation mark. Everybody, literally everybody, applauded in awe ! That's all folks ! Bugs bunny music !
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