maandag 20 november 2023

De ellende is dat de politiek en al die verouderde oubollige gedateerde hiërarchische instellingen plus in hol land meer dan 130.000 rijksambtenaren en meer dan 1 miljoen semi ambtenaren het grootste probleem zijn, waardoor types als edith tabakkankerkreng schippers, beatriks schweine arsch na ss au en andere rijke verwaande verrotte doodse arme stinkerds "bepalende" figuren zijn, terwijl dat juist die mammon-lijers zijn, op wereld schaal (holland is nog kleiner dan een provincie van duitsland) is dat met d.varkensreet trump en v. rattekreng poetin nog veel erger, juist dergelijke hitler krrrrengen komen boven drijven in een "democratie", die beheerst wordt door hebzucht en blinde stupiditeit ..... DEZE WERELD GAAT ER VANAF 2036 AAN, TEMPERATUUR STIJGING PLUS 8 GRADEN EN ER DRINGT NIETS DOOR TOT DIE IJDELE VERWAANDE VERROTTE DOODZIEKE VARKENS- EN KIPPENKOPPEN .... Waarom zijn er niet 100-20.000 top economen die een mensdierplaneet aarde vriendelijk alternatief kunnen bedenken tegen het huidige de wereld vernielende kapitalistische systeem -----> Jan Tinbergen had dat gedaan met een inkomen van minimaal 2000 EUR per maand en een maximum van 10.000 EUR per maand (verhouding 1 op 5) en het ontmantelen van conglomeraten, hoe groter het bedrijf, des te meer megalomane gekken in de "leiding" ..... lijden ....... zoals donald greedy blown up pig shit trump of vlad plague rat mammon putain poetin ........ Die einde loze einde loze ijdele hebberige bezitterige stupiditeit, het houdt nooit op en wordt alleen maar erger ...... eT gaat helemaal HELEMAAL FOUT en wat doen de mense ? IJdel kakele en knorre, zelfgenoegzaam en zelfvoldaan als de rijke verwaande verrotte dooie stinkerds die se sijn, conformeren in het laffe bange valse kippen~ en varkenshok van planeet aarde ..... Shocking ? yes, horribebel to see this beautiful planet (not mammon humanpigs) perish .........


......... Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent people on this planet wrote: why socialism and he maintained the rest of his life that the need for democratic socialism was a necessity, d. trump and v. poetin are the opposite ..... dutch government and the “royals” are more modest not directly murdering mammon pigs and chicken, but they do invest in oil, gas, coal and the weapon industry to have and hold on to something they don't possess, thereby killing the greedy human-pig-chicken race .. the land belongs to no one, the fruit belongs to all. 

He, Einstein, also wrote we need a good freedom, equality and social solidarity anarchistic world government, Nikola Tesla, the other intelligent one, wrote that oil, coal and gas will destroy this world ..

en wanneer veranderen vrouwen van kippen in tijgers en leeuwinnen die varkens trump, poetin, kim, die griezel in saudi arabië en nu dat argentijnse MAMMON zwijn (het enige goede is dat hij oekraïne met woorden steunt, nooit met daden) opvreten, aan stukken scheuren zoals die laffe bange hebberige kutkippen eigen lijk einde lijk zouden moeten doen 

God Verdomme 

mayday, mayday, this is an intermission pushing love into my system, i don't mind if you're bringing your own. An intermission pushing love into the system, iT's the only way to make this a home

 so, don't keep living your life in denial .. nobody will start the fire

 jaja, al dat gedoe oofer love, kenne die mammon schweine arsche niet gewoon in eT swarte gat verdwijne, never ever to be seen again, inclusief melania trump en vlad putain se friendin in zwitserland ....... ken die koppe niet ferdrage .... 

jaja betekent eieren in het Pools 

A broken heart that broke rules (not me, i don't have a broken heart ....... ik lees NU telkens een gebroken hart dat gebroken is bepaalt, regelt, regeert, rules EN DE EERSTE VIER KEER LAS IK, zoals het bedoeld is : Een gebroken hart dat regels brak ) ....... You miss that thing, that feeling of being alive and i cannot give it to you ....... how come hardly anyone sees more than what meets the eye ....... because one sees with the eyes, the heart, the brain, the whole 58 years old body

het is altijd heel veel erger dan je toch al denkt, en Charlotte, Marijke, Margalith, Iryna, Regina, Stella, Silk Green Shirt, la Brunette, Anna, Debbie en Anke, Aska en alle andere hieronder positief genoemden, Victoria, Aga, Carolina deed afschuwelijk koud op mijn vriendelijke vraag, ik heb daar veel moeite mee en heb geen belangstelling meer voor poolse Carolina, hoewel ze super knap is en ik daar graag blijf komen, de polska groszek supermarkt, nou ja, natuurlijk Carolina ook, maar ze moet mammon animal farm varkens een keiharde trap voor die arsch loch geven, niet zo koud doen alsof ik afstotelijk ben, want dat ben ik niet......deze dames zijn godinnen, Indra, Kinga, Nicole enzovoorts enzovoorts, Nikki, Maaike als ik zo kijk zelfs 60% van dames natuurlijk ook, don't keep living your life in denial....... en in de Ikea zag ik ook minstens twee knappe dames, 1 in een soort rolstoel, ze had iets met haar knie, WoW, wOw, WoW ........ heb vooral voor haar door de Ikea als een vrije vogel gedanst en dat deed ik niet slecht (tot ik zonet op tv ze dansend salto's zag maken, ik ga dat niet eens proberen)....

iT's going to be a fine day met de moed der wanhoop

heeeee, als je in zoomt op de ogen van onderstaande dame, dan zijn er ook pulserende bewegende lichtbalken zichtbaar, net zoals bij eline en jassesca

and after he art we see janus zwetsloot, a vain conceited chicken walk model, als ik dat stupide domme weif zie, dan groet ik haar vriende lijk, als ze begint te zeuren, durft die laffe 1.85 meter tut hola niet, dan ken se een schop voor dr asexuele kippereet kreige ..... als die lafbek haar pa op me af stuurt, waarmee ik kennis gemaakt heb, dan zal ik hem uitleggen dat hij me een goede man lijkt, maar dat se dochter een verwaand verrot doods kutkippetje is ....... yet another pathetic cunt  ...... en het verdrietige is dat ruim 50% bij de "overheid" bestaat uit pathetic cunts and pricks, ze gedragen zich als verwaande verrotte dode kippen of varkens in een immens (plus 130.000 ambtenaren bij de "rijksoverheid") kippen- en/of varkenshok

ik ben nog nooit een leuke psycholoog~psychologe tegen gekomen, ik vind "ze" nog erger dan juristen, de 5 psychologes die ik tegen kwam, ze lijken LIJKEN in de zin van een dood lijk wel het omgekeerde van een "psycholoog", ze begrijpen niets, weten niets en kunnen niets, geen enkel empathisch of begripvol vermogen, alleen maar met die verwaande kakneus in de lucht, zeldzaam stupide stomme kutkippen ...... 1 keer een man die ik wel enigszins mocht die erg veel geld vroeg voor zijn consulten, vanwege relatieproblemen met annemieke, 2 keer geweest voor ruim 349,99 gulden, nu 320 eur ! dus zo leuk was die man nou ook weer niet (en "maar" 2 keer omdat het voor annemieke ook niet meer hoefde en omdat zij het ook rete duur vond).  

Wijn consumptie de afgelopen 2 dagen beperkt tot minder dan 0,5 liter en dat zet ik gegarandeerd door. 

eindeluk nieuwe foto’s van Aska, honoured to play in her league, 

Sjaak Swart 

Yeah, well, i made a painting of asska Schuhholz, 

bye, Nicole Ross 


Dark portret van de Nicole Ross, zo ziet ze er zeer eng uit, bij "beelden aan zee" stonden van die beelden met dicht genaaide mond, hu 😱🙀. Met een knappe versie van onderstaande dame had ik een date, maar niet met de kunstenaar van het bovenstaande of onderstaande, die woont, werkt en leeft "gewoon" in amerika, terwijl de Nicole Ross (zo heet ze echt) eerst in Portugal leefde en nu in Den Haag .... geloof ik. 



Donald Trump dreams of an American Fourth Reich — and he's not kidding

Trump's rhetoric gets closer to outright Hitler quotations almost every day. It's a deliberate strategy

Donald Trump’s hate sermons are becoming even more intense and combustible. As he comes ever closer to openly quoting Adolf Hitler and the other 20th-century fascists, his behavior is clearly intentional and strategic.

Trump publicly admires and praises tyrants and demagogues and views them as role models. If he returns to power in 2025, he intends to create an American Fourth Reich. Consider Trump's speeches, interviews and social media posts over the last few weeks.

At a rally in Hialeah, Florida, last Wednesday, Trump painted a picture of a hellish (predominantly white) America overrun by serial killers and other human monsters from foreign (and predominantly nonwhite) countries, insisting that only he could save (white) America from the death and contamination caused by Democrats and “the left.”

Russia admits it was on the verge of economic collapse after getting hit with western sanctions last year

  • Russia made a rare admission regarding the effectiveness of Western sanctions.

  • A Kremlin spokesperson said the nation was on the brink of collapse after unprecedented sanctions.

  • Moscow now claims to be entering a new growth phase, despite persistent pressure on its economy.

Russia admitted that its economy was on the brink of ruin last year, but it's claiming now that it has beaten sanctions and is on track for strong growth this year, despite economists' projections in light of persistent restrictions on its economy.

"There was a threat of a collapse, we really had to mobilize all resources and internal forces in order to prevent this collapse," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said to Russia's state-run news agency TASS on Sunday.

That economic pressure was largely brought on by sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Peskov added. The sanctions included cutting Russia off from around $300 billion in foreign exchange reserves, booting some of its banks from the important SWIFT network, and implementing a ban and a $60 price cap on Russian oil, one of the nation's top revenue sources.

But the nation has successfully recovered and is now entering a growth stage, Peskov said. The Kremlin is now predicting that Russia could grow as much as 3% this year, above of the 2.2% projected by the International Monetary Fund.

"Thanks to the rather insightful and wise decisions of the country's leadership, thanks to the titanic work of the government, it was possible to reach a plateau, stabilize [the economic situation] and then, in an absolutely unexpected way, enter a growth trend," Peskov added.

The statement is a rare acknowledgement of the effectiveness of sanctions by officials in Russia, who have put up a show of defiance amid the West's trade restrictions. In 2022, Putin described key western measures, like the $60 oil price cap, as "stupid," and vowed to retaliate by slashing oil production, which threatened to send prices higher.

Despite claims of strong economic growth in Russia, experts and observers have expressed doubt over the country's economic future, with the nation flashing signs of financial trouble as it plans for a record-high military budget in 2024.

Critical sectors, like Russia's auto industry, have nearly completely collapsed over the past year. Meanwhile, inflation continues to rage, and central bankers are scrambling prop up the value of Russia's ruble, which has plunged over the past year.

Russia could be headed for a grim future as its economy continues to deteriorate from its war against Ukraine, some experts have said. Russia's economic projections are also based on cherry-picked data, according to two Yale researchers, who have proposed that the nation's economy could be teetering on the edge of collapse as the war consumes all available resources.

Read the original article on Business Insider

General mobilization in Russia possible after 2024 elections — Danilov

Russia remains committed to its objective of destroying Ukraine as a nation and is preparing for a protracted war, meaning that the Kremlin could order a general mobilization after the presidential elections in March 2024, Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) secretary, Oleksiy Danilov, said on Nov. 20.

During his speech at the Halifax International Security Forum, Danilov noted that Russia has managed to adapt to the sanctions imposed by Western countries in response to its invasion of Ukraine and continues to invest heavily in its defense sector.

Read also: Ukraine’s mobilization has not ‘stalled’ — Danilov

“Russia has proven to be more resilient to Western sanctions than expected,” said Danilov.

Read also: SBU exposes new mobilization evasion schemes in four Ukrainian oblasts

“The country's economy is increasingly shifting to a war footing. A possible general mobilization could come after the 2024 elections.”

The official also pointed out that the presidential elections in Russia on March 17 next year will serve as a "milestone" for the Kremlin.

Read also: Clarifying recent comments, Danilov urges de-anonymization as key strategy against risky Telegram channels

"After [Russian dictator Vladimir] Putin’s re-inauguration, the regime will be essentially cemented, allowing him a free rein," he stated.

In this context, Danilov added that Ukraine and the international community have "3−4 months to prepare accordingly."

We’re bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron!

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine

A Russian general who was critical of the army's operation was found dead

  • A decorated Russian general and his wife were found dead at his home.

  • The general, Vladimir Sviridov, was critical of soldier training in the Russian military.

  • He's the latest in a series of critics of the Russian establishment  found inexplicably dead.

Another member of the Russian military was found dead under unknown circumstances this week.

Lieutenant General Vladimir Sviridov, 68, and his wife Tatyana, 72, were found dead Wednesday in their bedroom, per the Kyiv Post. They looked to have been dead for about a week prior to their discovery, according to the Post.

Sviridov commanded the 6th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of Russia from 2005 to 2009, per the Kyiv Post.

The Kyiv Post also reported that a Russian Telegram channel, Baza, said the couple did not appear to have died violently, and toxic substances were not detected in any preliminary bloodwork.

"What caused the death of Vladimir and Tatyana Sviridov is still unknown," according to the Baza channel.

During Sviridov's time as a commander in the 2000s, he complained about the Russian army, saying Russian pilots were not trained well enough.

"A pilot must have about 100 hours of flight time per year for full combat readiness. However, this is not yet the case," he said in one interview, per the Kyiv Post. "The average flight time in the army is currently 25-30 hours."

In another interview, he said that the army appointed poorly trained officers because they lacked skilled ones, per the Kyiv Post.

Putin's critics and adversaries have died in suspicious circumstances for years, but nearly two years into the war between Russia and Ukraine, the deaths seem to be ramping up.

Last September, Ivan Pechorin, a Russian energy executive, fell out of his boat and into the sea, where he died.

In late August, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group and orchestrator of a coup-like march on Moscow, died in a bizarre plane accident.

The Kremlin and Russian state media have not yet commented on Sviridov's death, per the Kyiv Post.

Russian Major General Vladimir Popov said the death was "absurd."

"When I found out about his death, it hurt my heart," he said to "It's a shame that people of such a rank, who are worthy of attention and respect, go out in this way."

Biden's 2024 reelection depends on young voters. They absolutely hate how he's handling the war.

Biden Netanyahu Israel
  • In the 2020 presidential election, Biden won by barely beating Trump in a handful of states.

  • A key reason for his victory was a higher-than-ever turnout from younger voters.

  • Those same voters are now in complete disagreement with how he's handled fighting in Israel.

It's been more than a month after Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,000 Israeli civilians and ignited a new war in the region, and young voters aren't keen on how the Biden Administration has responded to the violence.

According to recently released polling from NBC News, an alarming 70% of voters between the ages of 18 to 34 said they disapprove of how Biden has handled the conflict thus far.

In 2020, Biden just narrowly bested former President Donald Trump by tens of thousands of votes in five separate states, in large part due to young voters turning out in record numbers. The Center for Information & Research On Civic Learning and Engagement estimated that half of all people aged between 18 and 29 voted in that election, an 11 percentage point increase from 2016.

If support for Biden amongst younger voters continues to deteriorate, the Democratic incumbent can expect to have an increasingly difficult time in his bid for reelection.

And while the nation as a whole doesn't appear to be as incensed with Biden's handling of the crisis as younger voters appear to be — a total of 56% of registered voters said they disapproved in the poll — Biden's reelection campaign can't succeed if even a small amount of his supporters jump ship as polling appears to suggest may be happening.

As mentioned, the NBC News poll notes that in a head-to-head rematch between Trump and Biden in 2024, 52% of registered voters now said they'd choose the scandal-ridden Trump over Biden if given the opportunity.

Presented with a hypothetical matchup between Trump and an unnamed Democratic candidate in 2024, 6 percentage points more respondents chose the Democrat, suggesting the issue voters are having may lie with Biden himself rather than Trump being a particularly strong candidate this go-around.

The Biden Administration's handling of the crisis, specifically how it's chosen to fund wartime efforts in the Middle East and Ukraine, has also led to criticism from younger voters and some celebrities, like the 31-year-old Cardi B, who publicly stumped for Biden in 2020, and has now sworn off endorsing a presidential candidate ever again.

Read the original article on Business Insider


The election's result also catapulted US-listed Argentine stocks up, with shares in oil producer YPF rocketing 36% in morning trade. Similarly, Grupo Financiero Galicia and Banco Macro, two regional lenders, rose 24% and 20%, respectively.

Javier Milei

Presidential candidate of the Liberty Advances coalition Javier Milei arrives to vote in the presidential runoff election in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023.(AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)
  • Argentina's markets celebrated the election victory of Javier Milei, who ran on a dollarization platform.

  • Bonds saw their highest intraday trade since January, while US-listed stocks surged.

  • But the candidate will still have to face challenges in implementing his reforms.

Argentina's dollar-based markets are swinging up, after libertarian candidate Javier Milei won the presidential runoff election on Sunday.

The wider-than-expected victory of the pro-dollarization candidate led to the largest intraday gain for bonds since January, Bloomberg reported. Early Monday, Argentine dollar bonds due in 2041 rose 6.7%, hitting 30 cents on the dollar.

The election's result also catapulted US-listed Argentine stocks up, with shares in oil producer YPF rocketing 36% in morning trade. Similarly, Grupo Financiero Galicia and Banco Macro, two regional lenders, rose 24% and 20%, respectively.

Through the week, investors can also watch for swings in the peso exchange rate. Though a national holiday kept the domestic market closed on Monday, the peso had already shed 8% since Friday in the country's informal markets, which are more attuned to free market flows.

And peso levels are likely to keep eroding, especially if Milei is successful in implementing his economic reforms.

Through the election, the political outsider gained popularity on an idea to abandon the peso and adopt the US dollar, in an effort to rein in Argentina's runaway inflation.

While full dollarization has been met with some criticism from economists and business leaders alike, Milei's surprisingly wide 56%-to-44% victory over opponent Sergio Massa may signal that Argentines are willing to take a chance on more radical approaches.

"The model of decadence has come to an end, there's no going back," Milei said in a speech that followed the election results.

But despite the win, a slew of challenges remain, such as his scarce support in Argentina's Congress.


  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has built a record $157 billion pile of cash and Treasuries.

  • Buffett is gearing up to snag bargains and strike deals once the economy weakens, Steve Hanke says.

  • The investor famously capitalizes on crises, and he benefits from higher rates, Hanke says.

Warren Buffett has amassed a record amount of cash so he's ready to scoop up bargains and strike attractive deals when the American economy descends into turmoil, Steve Hanke says.

The famed investor's Berkshire Hathaway held an unprecedented $157 billion of cash, Treasury bills, and other liquid assets at the end of September — a nearly $50 billion increase in 12 months. The company's cash pile grew in part because Buffett and his team sold $5 billion of stocks on a net basis last quarter; they've now offloaded a net $44 billion of stocks over the last four quarters combined.




This Political Insider Claims That Melania Trump Has 'the Upper Hand' in Her Marriage to Donald Trump

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Donald Trump’s marriage to Melania Trump has been scrutinized over and over again in the press, but one political insider may have revealed the real — and very fascinating — dynamics between them. Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emanuel Macron, shared her perspective after interacting with the couple while Donald Trump was president.

Lara Trump’s video of Donald Trump with her daughter has started another internet debate. On Nov 15, the The Right View with Lara Trump host shared a clip of her father-in-law and her daughter to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. She shared the video with the caption reading, “When top priority is showing Grandpa your desk at school 🥰 #GrandparentsDay.”

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Lara Trump’s Video of How Donald Interacts With His Grandkids Has Split the Internet (

In the short video, we see the former US President holding his granddaughter Carolina’s hand as she guides him to her desk. He leans down, kisses her on the head, and she continues to show off her classroom.

As you can imagine, people started a debate in the comment section, with many praising Donald for seeing his grandchild. X users posted things like “Trump showing up for the people who matter the most, no matter how small. Class act. 👏🏻” And another X user added, “This is just an amazing and touching moment. I bet she felt like the biggest person in the world to have Grandpa there.”

However, quite a few thought this video was insincere, and even alleged that it looked staged. One X user said: “Are we supposed to think this is a regular routine from the man who dismissed the idea of taking his own kids for walks as the wife’s responsibility? I don’t even see any warmth here,” which refers to how his first wife Ivana claimed he never changed a diaper and was an uninvolved parent. (And many people in this X user’s replies alleged the photo op angle).

Another X user added, “This is so staged. She doesn’t even look at him. She has to be prompted by the teacher to do things. She clearly doesn’t have a real relationship with him.”

Lara also shared a photo of Donald smiling next to Carolina and her teacher. She shared the photo to Instagram with the caption reading, “Strong team for Grandest Friends Day!!! 💜”

De ijdele verwaande verwende bal, die vindt, opinions are like ass holes, every body got one, dat de 14 jarige jongen en de Gentenaar die de totaal verrotte thierry bidet baudet mepte een forse beloning verdient, ik durf dat niet, de goorste hebberige mammon pigs een welverdiende trap voor die schweine arsch te geven, keihard, zodat de reet op de plek van die rotkop komt te zitten, opdat helemaal duidelijk wordt waar die pig shit praatjes vandaan komen, en ik verafschuw geweld, vooral tav mij, maar ook naar anderen. Onderstaande negatief genoemden verdienen allemaal zo’n trap voor de onsmakelijke gore hebberige bezitterige zwijnereet. 

God Verdomme 

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