donderdag 23 november 2023

Life is richer when you accept there is an end to iT, but not too soon, i hope ..... and i never want to be in prison again and i don't feel well about the destroying greedy oil, gas, coal, weapon pigrats. Necessity is the mother of invention as they say … verschrijver nailed it .. de dood zou het verste weg moeten zijn, waarom leven zoveel mensen alsof ze al dood zijn, ze zijn eigen lijk dood ........ walk tall, walk straight, spit the greedy humanpig right in the eye, the stronger the wood, the straighter the arrow


Goh, wat hep ik et toch gesellig met lady strepy anubie ying yang, ze is echt veel en veel liever dan welke vrouw ook, zelfs dan Astrid, hoewel, die is 8 keer in 8 jaar tijd minder lief geweest ....... en de sex was het beste met haar, ook vanwege haar orgasmes ......... als ik ooit een vriendin krijg zoals barbara die de eerste 20-33 keer nooit een orgasme kreig ~en daarvoor en daarna folleges mein ook nooit, mogelijk wel voor de kinderen en dan trek ik mijn woorden in~ maar dan moet ze, een eventuele toekomstige vriendin, zonder vriendin is ook prrrrima, op greet wilders en andere kleine ellendelingen na, ben ik gelukkig, iets teveel woede en emotie, vind het ook leuk, maar die woede is niet gezond, dat wel vertellen en ik zal ernaar vragen na 22 keer de liefde bedreven te hebben, want als ze verder geen orgasme ken kreige en niet door kinderen, dan vind ik de relatie in plaats van een 9+ een 7-  (prima als ze faket)  

And so I decided to follow Tony Robbins’ sage advice to simply go out and copy something that was already successful.

I learned a ton along the way… and the story of how a Nobel Prize winner had to eat his words was one of the cooler things I came across.

You see, Eugene Fama won the Nobel Prize for his theory that the markets were efficient and couldn’t be beaten.

Except he was wrong.

Trend followers had been beating the market for decades and according to his theory that wasn’t possible.


So Eugene’s student, a guy by the name of Cliff Asness (now a billionaire) wrote a paper proving that trend following worked.

Fama had to eat his words, and called it “an anomaly”...

Translation: “I was utterly wrong but FU - I’m keeping my damn Nobel Prize.”

Just kidding. Quite often the exception actually proves the point. And in fact Fama called it “the premiere anomaly in finance”.

In plain old English that means that trend following is the best way to beat the markets… something that had been proven over and over. 


Bie very very careful, for me it was impossible and i won 65.000 EUR and lost 80.000 EUR by trading stocks because i wanted more, more, more and i had had a succesful "system" ....... helaas is warren buffett zijn beleggingsfonds of een ander wereld index fonds maandelijks 100 tot 1000 eur erin steken de beste investering ........ of de dax index, nog beter, want dat is een herbeleggings index en het zijn zeer zeer zweer onzekere tijden met een mogelijk einde aan de mensenwereld per 2050 als we zo doorgaan...... 

Van 18 tm 31 oktober de aex (meer tech) kopen en 21 april, 4 mei en 4 augustus verkopen is de andere beste beleggingsmethode, de afgelopen 50 of voor de dow jones index 100 jaar (volgens mij bestaat de aex nog geen 50 jaar), met 4 of 8 van die 100 jaar een verlies, meestal door oorlog, zie Ben Jacobsen, de beste manier om miljonair te worden (NIET kopen als de aex in oktober op een hoogtepunt staat, als deze 10-50% gedaald is ten opzichte van het hoogtepunt dat jaar, dan werd je in het verleden als je met 5000 EUR begon in 20-30 jaar miljonair (ik wilde weer meer, anders was ik nu ook miljonair ....... in 2020 of 2021 gebeurde het omgekeerde door corona en creep vlad plague rat poetin, het enige echt slechte jaar voor bovengenoemde methode, maar het zijn onzekere tijden). 

yeah you saidie thattie already, 

by strepy , u repeatie too muchie 

In a specific scene of Requiem for a Nun by William Faulkner, Temple Drake states that

Temple Drake is dead.

In response, Gavin, Nancy's lawyer, responds:

The past is never dead. It's not even past.

What does this famous quote mean in this context?


I've never read the book, but I always assumed it meant something to the effect of "What happened to us in our past isn't gone and forgotten. It affects us all the time. It's with us in every moment."

"I was drunk in a hotel room in Munich, slumped on the bed with the whirling pit when this riff came into my head. I got up and started walking round the room, singing 'Walking round the room, ya, ya, walking round the room'. That was all. In the cool light of morning I remembered what had happened and I wrote the riff down. But 'Walking Round the Room' was a stupid title so I thought of something even more stupid which was 'Walking On the Moon'."
'L'Historia Bandido', '81

"Very sparse. As a three piece what was intelligent about us was, instead of trying to pretend we were a bigger band, we used that limitation to our advantage: less is more. There were some big black holes in 'Walking On The Moon' and you get those on the radio and people are immediately sucked in. Same with Roxanne. That guitar chord Andy came up with for 'Walking On The Moon' was just mind-blowing. And that weird jazzy bassline."
Q, 11/93

"I was lying in bed in Munich, after we'd done a TV show, and this little jazzy bass line came to me. So I got up and I started walking round the room making the tune and lyrics up. The original title was "Walking Round the Room". I often start from joke lyrics... actually; sometimes the joke lyric becomes the song. Andy came up with that chord - the one which hits after the bass notes. The Police did a lot of things our own way. We decided to go to America with no record deal over there. We were signed to A&M in Britain, but A&M America said, "Please don't come; we have no intention of releasing your record, it'll just be embarrassing." Instead they wanted us to wait, have a hit; get a support band slot on a Foreigner tour. But we went over on Freddie Laker, played in every toilet on the east coast, stayed in hideous hotels with the three of us in one bed. I came back from the first tour with money in my pocket, which I promptly handed to my wife for the housekeeping."
The Independent, 9/93

"I suppose we have to get more and more subtle in the way we treat the subject. I am obsessed by it. I don't suppose I'll ever lose that. I just think we'll get better at disguising it. That's one objective I have as a songwriter, is to kind of vanish behind the handiwork so that the song exists on it's own; forget who wrote it. I think 'Walking On The Moon' is a good metaphor. Nobody thinks it's good because nobody really thinks about it... to them it's just another set of lyrics... but it's a really good metaphor for feeling good. And I'm not sure what the song's about."
New Musical Express, 4/80

i hope my legs don't break, walking on the moon .... break a leg, walking on the moon, more than 300.000 kilometres away from earth, one light second, plus 100 degrees celsius on the sunny side, more than minus 150 degrees on the shadow side, NO STARS VISIBLE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE MOON, NOWHERE IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM STARS ARE VISIBLE, except earth, jupiter, the sun and lagrange points and places with a magnetic field, walking on the moon is like walking through or on death

WE NEED A STOP NOW ON OIL, GAS AND COAL, it is imminent to survive 2050, please understand and feel what nature tells us 

WIND TURBINES ON TRANSPORT, wind, solar, water, gravity energy should be enough .....and never forget THE ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD by Nikola TESLA ...... nuclear fusion perhaps, wimshurst in a vacuum ........ 



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