zondag 18 februari 2024

when i find the world is in trouble, there is no mother mary that comes to me .. and there are no words of wisdom for "let it be" is the murder of this planet by vain stoepid greedy possessive selfish conceited cackling grunting conformist (catholic) coward chicken and pig cuntss .. het zijn ijdele hebberige bezitterige verwaande verrotte domme gore gluiperige gelovige tutten kutten, laf, bang, passief, lijdelijk, slachtofferige smerige schijtweiffies, verwaand, vals, verstard, doods en oneindig dom .. i wish i would never have to see those dirty ugly rotten cuntss .. at the moment i feel like smashing those dumb chicken and pig faces ~ arses .. that's what (wo)men should do to vlad poetin, donald trump, assad, mark edith beatriks niks pig willy maxi cosi hebbie zorreguieta junta van oranje na ss au rutte schippers, kippekontje barbara van de griend and all the negative mentioned down below

 suurkool met vette sju .. alsjeblieffie nietie 

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