vrijdag 16 februari 2024

Opvallend dat mark rutte en vladimir poetin alleen nog maar kunnen liegen net zoals die domste politieke ijdeltuiten in den haag --> ze hebben ook echt niets beter te doen met hun verwaande verwende doodse schijnschijtleventje ..

Wat maken die hebberige bezitterige ijdele laffe bange valse verwaande verrotte domme doodse gore gluiperige mammon kanker krengen (politiek, de meerderheid van de ambt e naren en de bedrijfsdode "bedrijfsleven, echt niet" werkers) in den haag en hol land er allen een verstikkende viezige miezerige moordende nachtmerrie van, het is zo duidelijk dat het nikserige dommige lege ijdeltuiten bij elkaar zijn met 1 belang, eigen belang, een bom erop is prima (maar niet op mij, daar ben ik de goede uitzondering op de regel voor). 

Dit is serieus, net zoals het volgende. At a time when “the truth is under attack,” sting said, the world needs true journalism more than ever (about the killing of journalist James Foley in Syria)

 The show ended like it began: Sting in a chair with an acoustic guitar. He prefaced “The Empty Chair” with a story about its origins. He wrote it for the film “Jim: The James Foley Story,” a documentary about journalist James Foley, who was held captive in Syria by ISIS for nearly two years before he was beheaded.


The song, which has been nominated for an Oscar (his fourth), is written from the point of view of someone who is incarcerated and is talking to his loved ones, imagining the day when he sees them again: “Keep my place and the empty chair / And somehow I’ll be there.”


As he introduced the song, Sting honored Foley and lamented the prevailing political climate. To paraphrase: At a time when “the truth is under attack,” he said, the world needs true journalism more than ever. 

Ook in de gevangenis had ik geen geliefden om aan te denken, of om tegen te praten, dat zei ik ook tegen Thomas Wagner, goede jongen die volgens mij types als marc dutroux en michael p. neer stak en daarvoor van die smerige schijtweive van de ijdele verwaande straf rechter lijke kutten kanker macht eigenlijk oneindig zijn dagen in de hel van een gevangenis sleet .. 

..en dat is een afgrijselijke hel, waar liegende laffe le lijke rotkop barbara van de griend minstens een jaar thuis hoort met die pest weive van de rechter lijke onmacht, het openbare krengen ministerie en fivoor reclassering bv en de meerderheid van de tweede en eerste kamer en dat net zo godvergete ijdele verwaande zelfvoldane zelfgenoegzame gore gluiperige gespuis van de verschillende regeringen sinds het jaar 2000

God Verdomme 

Alexei Navalny, the most formidable critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his corrupt circles, who survived a poisoning and endured brutal persecution for years, died in the “Polar Wolf” Arctic penal colony. The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District claimed that Navalny “felt unwell” after he went on a walk and “almost immediately lost consciousness.” Prison officials said that a resuscitation was unsuccessfully attempted.

Navalny has long been a thorn in Putin’s side and was relentlessly smeared by the Kremlin’s cheerleaders. Even after his demise, Russian propagandists couldn’t feign any dignity or humanity. Head of RT Margarita Simonyan posted on X (formerly Twitter) that the so-called “victims” of Navalny’s corruption investigations keep calling her, wishing for him not to rest in peace. She hypocritically claimed she couldn’t join them in those wishes, but only because she is observing an Armenian Lent.

Alexei Navalny Sacrificed Himself to Show Russia That Putin Is a Monster

In 2021, Simonyan described Navalny as “a traitor of the Motherland” and argued that like any traitor, he deserves to die. Referring to the Skripals and Litvinenko, Simonyan asserted that any method is acceptable when it comes to the people she deemed to be “traitors.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that “Russia needs to answer all the serious questions about the circumstances of his death." Simonyan sniped back, “Russia owes nothing to no one, let’s start with that.”

Since in Russia “death of natural causes” can mean many different things, especially with respect to the opposition leaders and journalists, Simonyan immediately started to stir up rumors of foul play—not by Putin, but his enemies. She wrote, “Everyone has long forgotten him, there was no point in killing him, especially before the elections, it would be beneficial to completely opposite forces.”

Simonyan shared a post from a Telegram channel “BP Online” that said, “This is the retaliation for the interview. Thankfully, it wasn’t [Tucker] Carlson.” Despite Putin’s displeasure with the way Carlson’s interview with him had unfolded, the former Fox News host is a darling of the Russian state media, where he is described as the only American they wouldn’t want to kill.

This feeling is clearly mutual. On Monday, while he was at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Carlson was asked by Egyptian journalist Emad El Din Adeeb why he never pressed Putin about the freedom of speech in Russia and why he “did not talk about Navalny, about assassinations, about restrictions on opposition in the coming elections.”

Carlson coldly replied, in part, “Every leader kills people. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people.” He openly endorsed the elimination of inconvenient opposition figures and journalists, falsely alleging that this kind of a domestic policy is common everywhere.

Other Russian propagandists also pushed the idea that Navalny’s death was somehow beneficial to the West, implying that foul play was involved. Writer Nikolai Starikov posted on Telegram, “Navalny departed from life at a very convenient time for the Western puppeteers” and argued that this may have been done to undermine the PR effect of Carlson’s interview and to prompt the U.S. Congress to approve the aid to Ukraine. Starikov claimed that Navalny’s wife Yulia is at the Munich Security Conference on the same day, which is “part of the plan.”

Alexei Navalny’s Death Is the Passing of More than Just One Man

Despicably, Starikov claimed that Navalny’s widow “is barely holding back her smile.” His revolting post was boosted by Vladimir Solovyov, a notorious state TV host who for years maligned Navalny as a “traitor,” smeared his followers as “Satanists” and proclaimed that he deserved the death penalty. Now, in light of an untimely death of Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, Russian propagandists are both enjoying it and pretending that anyone but Putin is to blame.

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty

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