woensdag 21 februari 2024

and if you want my mohney, ãï n't you sthinkgk i'm sexy .. iT knew iT was right --> aiTeT ~ artificial intelligence telegraph verschrijver that is .. also that there was no big bang .. this article also writes about the wrong assumption that there was a big bang, while this "impossible galaxy" also proves that there was no big bang, which the moon also proves in a way, but it's also that the universe can only be infinite because the dark hole and dark matter and dark energy are nothing, in what kind of material would the universe expand, there can't be an end to the universe, in oneindigheid zit eindigheid, in eindigheid zit oneindigheid, maar er is geen einde aan het universum net zoals er geen einde is aan de dood .. of er geen einde is aan voor je ~ de geboorte van een melkwegstelsel, van het zonnestelsel, van planeet aarde, van dinosauriërs, van dieren en planten voor dinosauriërs ..

 "ALWEER EEN NIEUWE TRUC !",  brulde mijn pa regelmatig tussen 1971 en 1977, toen ik als 6 tot 12 jarige per ongeluk een glas of bord kapot liet vallen of om stootte of een soortgelijk klein ongelukje, 4 tot 6 keer per jaar gebeurde dat  

SS :  de schijnheilige smerigie schorriemorrie leugen regeert, alles vernielend en vernietigend wat mooi, goed, beter en het beste is  .. zeker ook in hol land 

sowie makie noggie eensie wattie mee, he, kennie schelie

momenteel ziet het ernaar uit dat het rattevarken mens deze planeet vernield heeft per 2057 of eerder, als vlad poetin totaal gek is, zoals hij nu reeds is, totaal in zijn waan rattevarken gelogen wereld, net zoals alle hieronder genoemden .. 

..er waren little bangs when galaxys collide or form in an endless and timeless dead black hole universe without stars except where there are magnetic fields, they show an universe which is a black hole with 4,9 % gas and stars and 95% black hole dark matter ~ dark energy, a vacuum and 0,00googol001 % planets like earth, mercurius, our moon, venus, mars and 0,0googol01 % gas planets such as Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus and Neptunus, Saturnus has no magnetic field, so it's also in this black hole only, no stars visible from gas planet Saturnus, like there are no stars visible from our moon, which also does not have a magnetic field

Scientists Befuddled by Impossible Galaxy Seen by James Webb

Self Made

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have discovered a massive galaxy that's so old its existence should be impossible, challenging current models on how these structures form.

As detailed in a new study published in the journal Nature, the so-called quiescent galaxy, ZF-UDS-7329, contains more stars than the Milky Way — despite forming just 800 million years after the Big Bang. This suggests that it somehow came together without the gravitational pull of dark matter, which shouldn't be possible.

"Galaxy formation is in large part dictated by how dark matter concentrates," said study coauthor Claudia Lagos, an astronomer at the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research, in a statement about the work. "Having these extremely massive galaxies so early in the universe is posing significant challenges to our standard model of cosmology."

Dark Influence

Dark matter is invisible, but it's believed to permeate the whole universe. In fact, it accounts for about a quarter of it — dwarfing the mere six percent of the regular, observable matter that we're made of.

As such, it's literally a massive presence, its gravitational influence governing the shape and formation of large cosmic structures like galaxies from the shadows. Its role was no less important in the cosmos' primordial epoch. After the Big Bang, astronomers believe that the first seeds of galaxies were born by forming around concentrations of dark matter called dark matter halos.

With their immense gravity, these halos would pull in surrounding gas and dust from the Big Bang that would otherwise be too hot to collapse into objects like stars. This would form dwarf galaxies, and over hundreds of millions of years, nearby dwarf galaxies would clump together to form the large ones we know today.

Matter Served Cold

This hypothesized role of dark matter is a key part of the most widely accepted cosmological model. This new discovery, however, throws a wrench in the works.

The researchers initially observed ZF-UDS-7329 existing 11.5 billion years ago. But by performing a detailed spectral analysis using data from the James Webb, the researchers were able to date its stars at forming another 1.5 billion years in the past. At such an early point in the universe's existence, those pivotal dark matter halos wouldn't have had time to form.

Of course, to rewrite cosmology as we know it, we're going to need more than a few outliers. Thanks to advanced telescopes like the James Webb, though, we're discovering more and more of these confoundingseemingly impossible cosmic oddities than ever before.

"We are now going beyond what was possible to confirm the oldest massive quiescent monsters that exist deep in the universe," said co-author Themiya Nanayakkara, an astronomer at Swinburne University of Technology, in the statement. "This pushes the boundaries of our current understanding of how galaxies form and evolve."

Kabinet krijgt waarschuwing en advies: blijf Oekraïne steunen

Artikel door RTL Nieuws • 15m

Nederlandse steun voor Oekraïne is en blijft 'noodzakelijk en urgent'. Dat laat een belangrijke adviesraad vandaag aan de regering weten. "Er staat veel op het spel. Het kan goed zijn dat Europa er in het kanteljaar 2024 alleen voor komt te staan", zegt de voorzitter van die raad, Bert Koenders, tegen RTL Nieuws.

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