vrijdag 23 juni 2023

Paid no attention to the writing on the wall, the seas were empty, there was nothing left at all

 Political parties are ideal institutions for marshaling fear and stupidity, not for realizing (human) potential. 

Political parties? "They are ideal institutions for marshaling fear and prejudice and stupidity, but not for realizing human potential." Religion? "I think there is something bigger than us or something in us that's untapped," he says. "I prefer believing the latter."



Eigen lijk is het cda een schande, de anti-christ, de mammon verslaafde valse dooie/doodzieke gristenen. 

Forget about the dark middle ages past of (some) christians, let's get on with now and future. 


Laat ie fijn zijn. 

Isn't the prospect of sex exciting ? iT might be, if you wouldn't state it this explicitly. Du bist zu direkt. Als mijneuh parachuteuh (voor de val vertaal ik dat, maar eT is toch tegen de val, contrechute) hetteuh maareuh doeteuh. 

Margeuliteuh A euh E euh Baruch euh euh. 


Je kunt van 0,2 gram hollandia truffels en 1 gram psychpaddestoelen al enorm stoned of high raken, dus wees er voorzichtig mee, de eerste keer. 

Ik begreep van David, mijn zoon, dat sommige mensen paranoïa raken van wiet/hasj roken (vanwege de tabak, die maakt je paranoïa, daarom wiet of hasj kush zo door je eten doen of inslikken met zonnebloemolie, omega 3 olie of een pizza, thai, pasta of een lekkere verse nieuwe haring met uitjes), dus het is goed voor je, maar met mate (maximaal 1 gram) en wees voorzichtig. 

Zoveel beter en gezonder dan het gore gif tabak en alcohol, tabak vind ik het allerergste, nu ik 1~2 gram door mijn eten had gedaan en er 2 dagen doodziek van was, in augustus 2020 in de zaanstad gevangenis, ze "geven" gevangenen wel tabak (zeer duur te koop), maar geen wiet, waar wiet zo gezond zou zijn, een klein beetje door het eten, zeker ook voor die arme gevangenen, het is zo erg, zeker 7 van die 14 in de gevangenis waren gewoon goed, beter dan edith schippers of barbara van de griend of die vrouwelijke flutkutrechters die mij veroordeelden, verwaande verwende dooie kutvarrrrkens met die rottende valse laffe bangelijke lelijke huichelbekkies. 

Geen man heeft mij veroordeeld, zouden ze ook nooit doen (als ze de feiten kenden), een aardige, vriendelijke beetje bijzondere jongen met waar geschrijf over een vals laf bang kalere wijf, barbara van de griend, en terecht wat kippenbotten voor haar deur gooien. Al die smerige valse laffe gore kutweiven die daarbij betrokken waren verdienen NU 6-9 maanden gevangenis en 4-8 weekeindes in een politiecel (nog veel erger dan een gevangenis) tussen de mannen die die akelige minderwaardige verwaande "omhoog" (eigenlijk omlaag) gevallen smerige schijtkrengen veroordelen.  


Ligt het onbegrip en desinteresse over het onderstaande nou aan mij ? Ja, teveel verloren met aandelen en turbo long en short en er teveel verloren tijd in gestoken, ik ben er niet goed in en zal er niet meer goed in worden, heb meer belangstelling voor het leven en de dood ? Hieronder staat iets van dat bit coin serieuze business wordt, maar geen garantie(s) over stijging en daling en dat financiële instellingen, banken en verzekeraars, maar 1 doel hebben, geld verdienen en het maakt niet uit hoe en waarmee. Wordt de wereld vernield door olie-, kolen- en gaswinning ? THEY DON'T CARE, GELD VERDIENEN IS BELANGRIJKER DAN DE PLANEET AARDE, WINSTGEVENDHEID IS BELANGRIJKER DAN (VOLKS)GEZONDHEID VAN DE PLANEET AARDE, ONZE ONDERGANG, ONS GRAF, DIT KAPITALISTISCHE VVD MANTRA, WAAR TEGEN ALBERT EINSTEIN, NIKOLA TESLA EN NIELS BOHR, iq 150 plus, WAARSCHUWDEN. 

If you put aside all the FUD and all the toin-foil hat theories (including my own) there's but one undisputed immutable constant that will always exist in the markets:

Financial institutions want to make money. It forms the basis of their very existence.

They don't care what it is, who gets stomped in the process, what they may have done or said yesterday, and even if it encroaches on the current status quo.

Any hurdle preventing them from accomplishing this single goal will either be torn down or swiftly circumvented.

And offering a spot bitcoin ETF is nothing but a giant profit opportunity by BLACKROCK. 

Is dat blackrock niet die duistere organisatie die met het leger mee ging naar Irak, toen Sadam Hussein vermoord werd en het land Irak compleet vernield werd door de Amerikanen, Britten en Nederlanders, oorlogsmisdadigers balkenende laf smerig vroom geleuvig preutestants balkebekkie, griezel jezuïet maxime verhagen en vrome protestantse domme achter lijke kloooooot zak pietje heintje snot donner plus japie sprinkhaan valse laffe smerige stinkende de hoop scheffer, door de bush regering en die andere moordende olie varkensapen, dick cheney als 1 van de grootste misdadigers, benoemd tot "navo baas", omdat dat verrotte verwaande dooie kreng jaap de hoop scheffer de oneerlijke en onterechte oorlog tegen irak voor de oliewinning (vernieling van de aarde) steunde. Niet zoveel beter dan poetin in Oekraïne nu.....zo'n schande, zo'n gruwelijke afgrijselijke misdaad van cda-vvd, de daders zouden bestraft moeten worden met een jaar gevangenis en 10 weekeindes in een isolatie politiecel. En het helpt niet, de afgrijselijke vernieling van mensenlevens in irak is gebeurd 😱😭😿🙀

Kortom de cda-vvd regering van die tijd, inclusief mark kutterutte (hervormd net zoals de keuningk varken willy alexander en bea trix, vonden het ook wel prima, als die 4 miljard eur bezit maar die 4 miljard eur bezit voor de vadsige varken dooie familie oranja na ss au bleef en liever 8 miljard eur bezit, dus doe die oorlog voor het zwarte slijk der aarde, de olie, maar) en edith schippers zijn oorlogsmisdadigers met miljoenen (burger)doden en gewonden op hun gelovige kuttengewetentje.  

edith kankerkreng schippers is ongeleuvig bij mijn weten en heeft geen kinderen, ook de gevangenis in met dat gore smerige kankerkutkrrrrreng, een minister van volksgezondheid die bleef lobbyen voor sigaretten en tabak lobby, haar vorige betrekking, en in haar hele doen en laten een goor, vals, doods krrrrreng is ....  godvergete smerig tering weif, totaal verrot KANKERKRRRENG. 

Hoe is dat toch in jezisnaam, in godsnaam, in hemelsnaam, in helsnaam mogelijk ?

Zo'n goor smerig kankerkrrrrrreng 8 jaar minister van volksgezondheid, omgekeerde wereld. 

God Verdomme  

Bit Coin ? 

That said, sometimes a rally is just that - specifically in this case what we are dealing with is a relief rally after months of frustrating sideways chop during which institutional players continued to accumulate positions at a steep discount (see yesterday's post but bring your tinfoil hat).

Which is exactly why I must caution everyone against chasing this move up so late in the game. The right time to get positioned was a week ago near the lows. And no matter how good you are, it was a tough one to catch (albeit always clear in hindsight).

Similarly I should warn everyone against attempting to accumulate large short positions in anticipation of 'bullish exhaustion' or any other hare-brained theory based on a lack of understanding of what truly drives price action.

That said, at this point it's fair to say that the writing is clearly on the wall.

Despite all the nay-sayer and the non-stop ridiculing throughout the 2022 bear market - crypto is here to stay, and you are now facing one of two choices:

Choice 1) Continue to demonize and ignore crypto and allow fiat currencies or such derivatives to define your financial future.

If that's the case then let me ask you this: How's that working out for you? Enjoying double digit (real) inflation and the never ending boom/bust cycle over the past 20 years? 

Choice 2) Embrace the fact that crypto currencies are becoming an integral part of international finance, whether or not you like it, you agree with it, your spouse hates it, and even if you think you missed out and it's already way too late.

Because nothing could be any further from the truth.

How would I know?

Simple: Actions speak louder than words.

Despite of what you may have been told, TradFi is now balls deep into crypto and at this stage there's no pulling back out.

And take this one to the bank: the rapid slew of announcements over the past week is nothing but an overture of what will follow post summer and especially as we approach the next BTC halving in early 2024.

If you put aside all the FUD and all the toin-foil hat theories (including my own) there's but one undisputed immutable constant that will always exist in the markets:

Financial institutions want to make money. It forms the basis of their very existence.

They don't care what it is, who gets stomped in the process, what they may have done or said yesterday, and even if it encroaches on the current status quo.

Any hurdle preventing them from accomplishing this single goal will either be torn down or swiftly circumvented.

And offering a spot bitcoin ETF is nothing but a giant profit opportunity.

BlackRock, for example, has clients who are willing to pay for crypto exposure, and offering such exposure would generate massive fee$.

While the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rejected several spot bitcoin ETF applications in the past, I have a strong inkling that BlackRock's latest filing will suddenly and miraculously 'meet regulatory requirements.'

And once the new ETF has been approved it will pave the way for future crypto products from the company. Which in turn leads to additional crypto-related products and services.

For example a U.S. managed and regulated crypto based options exchange would be a complete game changer (yeah Deribit isn't up to snuff, sorry), and huge opportunity for old school option traders like me.

If you think I'm full of bullpucky then take it directly from the horse's mouth:

During a recent House Financial Services Committee hearing on monetary policy Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated that cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, have "staying power."

He also emphasized the need for a strong federal oversight role in regulating stablecoins which constitute a significant portion of the crypto market.

Hate me for saying this but I completely agree. What's mainly been holding back the entire crypto sector are fly-by-night operations such as FTX, BitConnect, BitClub, SushiSwap and many others. 

Let's face it. The Wild West days of crypto are over. It's time to grow up and join the club.

Either that or 'the club' will do whatever it takes to wipe you out.

For me that's an easy choice.

Anyway, it's already a long post but there are literally exciting crypto related announcements crawling out of the woodwork. For anyone who cares I'll tack them to the bottom of this post.

Gravitas is mainly focused on catching long term swings and keeping you on the right side of the trend. Over time it manages to accumulate significant profits no matter which market phase.

Shoot us a message here and we'll get you set up right away.

Now here's what else happened over the past 24 hours:

Crédit Agricole’s CACEIS Gains Crypto Custody Registration in France

CACEIS, the asset servicing arm of Crédit Agricole and Santander and which manages €4.6 trillion ($5.1 trillion) in assets, has received registration from French regulators to provide crypto custody services.

The bank serves asset managers like insurers and pension funds and was officially registered by France's Financial Markets Authority (AMF) on June 20.

Valkyrie joins rush with BTC spot ETF application to go with its futures, miners ETFs

Valkyrie, which manages $80 billion in assets, has submitted an application for a Bitcoin spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The company already has experience in BTC futures ETFs, having launched the Valkyrie Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BTF) in October 2021 and the Valkyrie Balance Sheet Opportunities (VBB) in December of the same year. It also operates the Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF (WGMI). 

Bitcoin adoption in Mexico boosted by Lightning partnership with retail giant

Bitcoin 2023, the world’s largest Bitcoin conference, recently took place in Miami.

During the conference, a partnership between Ibex Mercado and Grupo Salinas was announced.

In short, the partnership would enable millions of Mexicans to pay their internet bills using the Bitcoin Lightning Network at Total Play, a popular telecoms company owned by Grupo Salinas.

As the conglomerate owns various businesses, this integration marks the beginning of Lightning functionality across Grupo Salinas, including soccer teams and retail outlets.

José Lemus, CEO of Ibex Mercado, believes that Mexico has the potential to become a prominent Bitcoin destination, following the country's growing crypto adoption in recent years. Further partnerships and projects in Mexico are expected to unfold, contributing to the country's Bitcoin adoption.

That's all I got for today. Keep on stacking those coins!


Michael Mehrle (previously known as "the mole" ?) 


dagobert duck 

Bijschrift bij onderstaande tekening : Würdet ihr dem Zitat "Geld ruïniert die Welt" zustimmen ? 

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