vrijdag 1 maart 2024

.. Net hoor ik in een film over Lyndon B. Johnson, de vice president die president werd door de moord op president Kennedy hetzelfde zeggen als hugo de jonge over sywert van der linden, he is pissin' from the outside, i'd rather have him pissin'in frommeuh zie inside, ijdele verwaande verwende domme domme domme hugo de jonge denkt dat hij lyndon b. johnson is, afgrijzen, het is zoooo erg en die ijdele verwaande verrotte domme gore gluiperige gelovige stupide smerige schijthebberds blijven gewoon doorgaan, in plaats van zich de ogen uit de rotte varkenskippekop te schamen ..

Aan Pablo Picasso : oooh, ik ben so blij, ooooh, ik ben so blij, dat me neus van voren sit en niet van opzij ..

 Nou heb ik voor 8,99 eur saffraan gekocht, grana padano en parmezaanse kaas, geloof ik, een half uur kokkerellen, 3 teentjes knoflook en een zakje risotto milanese uit de lidl van 3 eur, vroeger, ze verkopen het niet meer, smaakt precies goed en wat ik heb gemaakt is flut, ook nog een dure lekkere witte wijn er doorheen gedaan, vergeleken die 3 eur Lidl (en vroeger grand italia) risotto milanese is dit niks..

 ..dat is even frustrerend in een verder mooie vrijdag, erg mooi, toch nog steeds dat weekeinde gevoel .. schijnen gepensioneerden ook nog 2 jaar of langer te houden, het weekend of weekeinde gevoel, donderdagavond en vrijdagavond .. en een licht mineur gevoel zondagavond, we moeten weer .. alsie niksie te seggie of schrijfie hebbie, schrijfie of seggie dan ook niksie vind ikkie persoonlijkie, 

lady Strepy AnuBie Yin Yangie

Rode wijn en camembert, de kaas, is afschuwelijk

Witte wijn, goede, en camembert gaat net, maar ook niet echt lekker, vreemd is dat, bij Franse kaas zou je verwachten dat elke wijn erbij past .. bij die inderdaad zeer krachtig smakende camembert past geen wijn. 

Rode wijn en (gerookte) zalm is ook niet lekker en volgens Maarten 't Hart is zalm en spinazie zeer ongezond, dan komt er gif vrij, als je die twee samen eet, dat was van 1980-2016 een klassiek gerecht, zalm en spinazie, zo zie je maar weer. 

Scientists Smashed Atom into Atom and Unleashed a Magnetic Monster

gathering of black spheres to the center light attraction of objects with long shadows 3d abstract concept of collaboration magnetic attraction of objects to central formation render
  • While magnetars are the undisputed masters of magnetism in the classical world, the quantum magnetic fields found in quark-gluon plasma is 10,000 times stronger.

  • Using the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, physicists recorded an incredibly strong (and incredibly brief) magnetic field resulting from off-center heavy nuclei collisions.

  • Understanding the properties of quark-gluon plasmas could help physicists understand the universe mere moments after the Big Bang, and piece together the ultimate puzzle of how matter came to dominate the universe.

The universe is a place of intense magnetic extremes. Magnetars, for example, can generate magnetic fields in excess of 100 trillion gauss—as a point of comparison, the magnet on your fridge produces a field of only 100 gauss of so. This highly intense magnetism can distort the star’s shape to such a degree that the star pulses gravitational waves out into the universe.

Sounds intense, right? Well, this spacetime-altering magnetic field doesn’t even come close to the power of fields generated in the quantum world.

Using the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in Upton, New York, a new study conducted by Brookhaven National Laboratory as part of the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR) experiment recorded a “super strong” magnetic field within a quark-gluon plasma formed after an off-center collision of heavy atomic nuclei. According to the results, which were published in the journal Physical Review X last week, this magnetic field was some 10,000 times stronger than a magnetar.

“Those fast-moving positive charges should generate a very strong magnetic field, predicted to be 1018 gauss,” co-author Gang Wang, a STAR physicist from the University of California, Los Angeles said in a press statement. “This is probably the strongest magnetic field in our universe.”

Using the house-sized RHIC, scientists tracked the trajectories of heavy-ion collisions (such as gold) after experiencing an off-center collision. Theories have predicted that such a collision should create a strong magnetic field—some positively charged protons and neutral neutrons not involved in the collision would swirl in the resulting quark-gluon plasma as they pass at near the speed of light.

Ruling out other causes for such a strong magnetic field, the researchers spotted a “charge-dependent deflection” that can only be caused by a phenomenon known as Faraday induction (named for the famous 19th century electromagnetism pioneer). This specific induction can only be caused by the rapid decay of a strong magnetic field. The interaction influenced the trajectory of charged particles that scientists were then able to measure.

diagram, schematic

And that’s a good thing, because unlike magnetars that just churn out power magnetic fields for their entire lifetimes, these ultra-strong magnetic fields resulting from off-center collisions only occur for ten millionths of a billionth of a billionth of a second. This makes it impossible to capture on its own, but its influence can be seen in the resulting scatter of subatomic particles.

“We can infer the value of the conductivity from our measurement of the collective motion” co-author Diyu Shen, a STAR physicist at Fudan University in China said in a press statement. “The extent to which the particles are deflected relates directly to the strength of the electromagnetic field and the conductivity in the QGP—and no one has measured the conductivity of QGP before.”

Understanding the properties of quark-gluon plasma helps physicists explore what the universe was like mere moments after the Big Bang, before free-roaming quarks and gluons coalesced into hadrons—the protons and neutrons that form atoms. These collisions should also help experts probe the complexity of the chirality magnetic effect (CME).

So, while the universe certainly produces its fair share of intense magnetic fields, the quantum world invites you to hold its beer.

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Want to know how weird Donald Trump is? Just read this transcript.

While network news shows and the political press at large continue treating the 2024 presidential race as if it’s a contest between two normal politicians, here’s a friendly reminder that it’s not. At all.

Those of us who closely follow former president and current criminal defendant Donald Trump regularly see not only how mean, unserious and unhinged he is, but also how truly weird the guy can be. And not the good kind of weird. More like the “Oh, lord, what is this guy on about?” kind of weird.

Too often, the things Trump says in rallies and in campaign videos gets truncated into short clips or quick quotes. That sanitizes the rambling nuttiness of his drawn-out, self-obsessed, always-aggrieved soliloquies.

And that’s a disservice. Voters should be fully aware of how much worse and how much more bizarre Trump has gotten after losing an election and living with the pressure of myriad legal issues.

Donald Trump, in his own weird and troubling words

Here is a full transcript of a video Trump posted Wednesday on his Truth Social page. It’s a response to an interview President Joe Biden did with late-night host Seth Meyers, one in which Biden needled Trump a bit about his age and quipped that Trump had recently forgotten his wife’s name. That didn’t actually happen, but Biden was on a comedy show and, in the grand scheme of things, who cares?

Apparently Trump cares. Deeply. Here, in all its oddness, is Trump’s full response to this grave and important issue:

“The radical left Democrats are at it again. They're constantly making up stories about me because their candidate is a mental and physical basket case. There's never been anything like it. He's also the worst president in the history of our country. He went on a very poorly rated show last night, and he talked about Donald Trump and his wife, I don't know the name of my wife.

Trump sneakers, really? 'What are those?' Trump's gold high-tops show how out of touch he is.

“He was referring to the fact that at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), where I had a sold out speech, the biggest audience they've had in years, I think maybe ever. I made the statement that Melania was very popular because when I mentioned her name, the audience went wild. I then looked at the two people, man and wife, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, and I said, ‘Wow, they really like the first lady.’ So this got taken as the fact that I thought Mercedes was the first lady, has nothing to do with that.

“These people are really dishonest. They are absolutely something. They have a horrible candidate who's a horrible president. They make up things constantly. You take a look at when I use Barack Hussein Obama and I interject him into where it's supposed to be Biden, and I do it purposely for comedic reasons and for sarcasm because a lot of people say that Obama's running the country, not Biden, because he's sleeping all the time. They say, ‘Oh, I don't know the name of the president.’ Or when I imitate this guy getting off a stage, what they do is they say, ‘Oh, he had trouble getting off a stage.’ I have no trouble getting off a stage. Anybody that watches what I do at rallies would say, ‘Wow, that's amazing. He can go two hours without a teleprompter, not making even a little mistake.’ Very few people, maybe almost nobody, can do what I do.

“So here's the story. The disinformation of the Democrats is unbelievable. They do it because they have a horrible candidate.

“Don't associate me with the mental midget that you portray because I want to tell you, he should not be leading this country. And hopefully on November 5, he's not going to be. We're going to have a big election, we're going to have a big victory, and we're going to make America great again.”

Listening to Donald Trump speak is painful, but revealing

That string of bizarro-world babbling nonsense is coming straight from the mouth of the man who a sizable swath of Americans think is the best choice to be president of the country.

Read those words. Watch that video. There's nothing about any of it that's normal. It’s the ranting of a thin-skinned man who believes himself to be all-powerful and forever without fault.

If the CEO of a major corporation was recorded saying all that, the company’s board would have him removed immediately and committed for his own safety.

Trump and Biden: Trump's NATO threat gets less attention than Biden's gaffes. Only one puts Americans at risk.

Sure Trump is in all kinds of legal trouble. He's also super weird.

My point in sharing the full text of those comments is to remind people that when it comes to Trump, beyond the election denying, and the vast number of criminal charges, and the hundreds of millions owed in penalties for fraud and defamation, and the cozying up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the endless lying, there is a profoundly weird and insecure man who has no business being anywhere near a seat of power.

You don’t have to like Biden or his age or his less-than-great oratorical skills or his policies. But you can’t read the transcript above and tell me this is a race between two politicians with differing styles. It takes staggering gall to question the 81-year-old current president's mental acuity while sitting back and applauding a 77-year-old man who just burped up a rambling two-minute screed about how everyone is amazed by his stage stamina.

This is a race between a politician and a deeply strange and wildly narcissistic spoiled brat. Proceed accordingly.

Follow USA TODAY columnist Rex Huppke on X, formerly Twitter, @RexHuppke and Facebook facebook.com/RexIsAJerk

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